I moved items out of the refrigerator a few shelves at a time so the food would stay cold. Cleaning was easy. There really wasn’t much to scrub other than in the vegetable drawers because I do that occasionally anyway. There were no major spills that I had not wiped out. The refrigerator shelves were pretty clean to start.
It was when I was organizing the food to return it to the refrigerator that I ran into difficulty. Using baskets and bins in the refrigerator takes up more space than without, yet keeps food grouped and organized.
I was able to fit a few bins on the shelves. One holds four canisters of whipped cream and a few individual protein shakes/fruit drink pouches. (We like to test the whipped cream on cheesecake.)
Another bin holds an assortment of pickle jars. We love our pickles. Claussen is the best. Unless they’re homemade of course.
The Lazy Susan will hold small containers of lunch meat salad and/or pub cheeses, whipped cream cheese, etc.
I think a few more small bins could fit that would hold small containers grouped together such as bread spreads. Currently, if you want the container at the back of the shelf you have to remove the containers in front. It would be easier to have them all in one bin that could be pulled out once.
Buy a Lazy Susan for one of the refrigerator shelves. We used to have one in our refrigerator for our 20 years but it had a crack in it and I tossed it a year or so ago. We really missed it. This one has a low profile of less than an inch and a 14-inch diameter.
I cleaned only one of the shelves in the door. I tried using the egg carton half with the condiments in it upside down to catch any drips but there was a lot of lost space because the condiments couldn’t be squeezed in as close as without the egg carton. But I did put all the ketchup, mustard and relish together on one shelf.
Will continue this challenge by finishing the door shelves before going on to next week’s challenge.
I am going to suggest that refrigerator and freezer be challenges on separate weeks. There’s too much to do if you work full-time. That’s my two cents!
Love the challenges of cleaning and organizing my home. It’s keeping me on task and I am getting the house where it’s easy peasy to clean and find things. Thanks for following along.