The animated movie, “Nightmare Before Christmas,” is Halloween-themed, but also about a love story between the iconic characters Jack and Sally. Have you seen the movie? It came out in 1993 and still has a huge fan base 30 years later. It’s timeless and many quotes have been linked to Jack and Sally, such as “Til Death Do Us Part” and “Love You To Death.”
The movie is also dark and twisted, but people love it. Check out the trailer from 1993:
If you want to stream the movie, I saw six online services that are streaming “Nightmare Before Christmas” (for a fee, of course, although if you already pay for one of them, it wouldn’t cost extra, right?) which include: Disney, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.
From the website “The Mary Sue,” comes this about the love story of Jack and Sally in the movie “Nightmare Before Christmas”:
From the start of ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas,’ [Sally] wants to believe in Jack but she doesn’t quite know what he’s up to. Everything he’s doing is rooted in his new obsession with Christmas, but Sally just wants to keep him safe. She’s too afraid to open up to him, and it takes her devotion to him for Jack to see that everything he could have ever wanted is in Halloweentown. It’s just there with Sally.
Hidden in Sally’s stolen glances while Jack is engrossed in his journey through Christmas, the film’s love story comes out in the third act when we hear ‘Sally’s Song’ and finally see the two coming together on the hill after everything is said and done. This has, in its own way, cemented Jack and Sally as a love story that defines many millennials. Twisted, dark, and weird, yet iconic for how perfect the two are for each other, Jack and Sally are ours.
Jack and Sally make an excellent choice for a Valentine theme if you like dark and different! Many Jack and Sally themed products are available at many retailers from travel mugs to clothes to cheese trays and more. Because Jack and Sally are a brand owned by Disney, some items might seem pricey.
Kohl’s has some great Jack and Sally products and some great d e a l s right now.
Kohl’s search page for “Jack and Sally” items. Kohl’s affiliate ad link
Jack and Sally Valentine’s Day Pillow is CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE but check back or scroll the link above for other similar pillows. I checked the links of the items on this page and they were available this morning, except this pillow. Kohl’s affiliate ad link
Jack and Sally Mens Sweatshirt. Kohl’s affiliate ad link
Jack and Sally Cheese Board and Tools set. Kohl’s affiliate ad link
Sally’s Apothecary Womens T-shirt. Kohl’s affiliate ad link
Sally’s Deadly Nightshade Womens T-shirt.
Jack and Sally Beverage Box Set. Kohl’s affiliate ad link