Happy #furryfriends Friday!
#thingsilovesunday Dec. 10, 2023
Local Love Locks
Did you know that on the Auburn side of the Androscoggin River’s Great Falls is a fence of padlocks? Do you know what those padlocks signify?
Clean that floor!
Share your tips to get rid of ants in the house
Response to Challenge Week 13: Have a garage sale!
Guest Writer I went downstairs to the storage area of the basement to section off an area for garage sale items.
Challenge Week 13: Have a garage sale!
Having a successful garage sale takes a lot of preparation. I’ve co-hosted at many garage sales and have experience in what works and what doesn’t.
Build your wardrobe: Mix and match for Maine spring weather
On any spring or summer day in Maine, you could start the day in shorts or jeans and then have to switch over into the warmer or cooler outfit because our weather seems to change — sometimes drastically — within the same day. Do you agree? It’s a good idea to have clothes that you…
Response to Challenge Week 12: Deep cleaning the bathroom!
Guest Writer Since I do surface cleaning in the bathroom every day, you’d think that there would be nothing to a deep clean. That is so wrong.
Build your wardrobe plan
What to wear for The Maine Look Do you wonder what to wear on a daily basis? Wish someone would plan your wardrobe for you? Sometimes it can be downright frustrating to decide what to wear each day! My wardrobe plan can help you achieve a stylish wardrobe to wear in the beautiful state…