The animated movie, “Nightmare Before Christmas,” is Halloween-themed, but also about a love story between the iconic characters Jack and Sally. Have you seen the movie? It came out in 1993 and still has a huge fan base 30 years later. It’s timeless and many quotes have been linked to Jack and Sally, such as…
Category: Fashion
Valentine’s Day is in two weeks
Do you give chocolate, flowers, and/or a card to someone special on Valentine’s Day? Will you be giving or receiving jewelry this year? Do you go out for dinner at a fancy restaurant? Are you planning on hanging out with friends, no one special? Staying in and enjoying a movie?
The Maine Look, for fun days
That dog needs to go outside and you need some fresh air and exercise. Your friends want to go check out the trail and have asked you to join them. You’re going up to the cabin. You want to use your metal detector on your beach.
Rain clothes needed this winter
Where’s my rain gear?! Rainy weather seems to be the norm this winter. I’ve been wearing my waterproof clothes on those days. When you need to stay dry, your waterproof clothes need to live up their waterproof claim.
Classy, casual fashion tips
Follow my blog with Bloglovin I love putting together outfits! I worked at Banana Republic in Freeport for a while before working at the Gap outside of Boston.
What to buy with your Kohl’s gift card?
Since there’s a local Kohl’s store, gift cards to Kohl’s are a popular gift. You can order online and pick up your order at the store if you don’t want to have the items shipped to your house. If you’re the lucky recipient of a Kohl’s gift card, what are you going to spend it…
Holiday party wear! Maine style
Follow my blog with Bloglovin These dresses and shoes are from my Amazon Associate shop. I love these looks for holiday parties and weddings!
#saturdaystyle Love this outfit!
#saturdaystyle Love this outfit!
#thingsilovesunday Dec. 10, 2023
Build your wardrobe: Mix and match for Maine spring weather
On any spring or summer day in Maine, you could start the day in shorts or jeans and then have to switch over into the warmer or cooler outfit because our weather seems to change — sometimes drastically — within the same day. Do you agree? It’s a good idea to have clothes that you…