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I Don’t Remember…

From the posts my mom wrote (Guest), I remember calling her, I remember her showing up at my apartment. I was barely dressed, so she had to help me put on clothes, I don’t even remember what I had on. I know she told me she had to go downstairs to wait for the paramedics to arrive and to stay put. Well, if you haven’t realized by now, I’m stubborn. So with all the energy I had left, I slowly descended the stairs on my butt (like you used to do as a kid) and I made it to the bottom of the stairs and I crawled to the couch. The paramedics came into my living room… I remember seeing a face and that’s it.
I thought it was a few hours later when I woke up in the hospital. I heard voices and I guess I responded to a few questions. I remember not wanting to have a tube shoved down my throat and my mom basically telling me I was going to die if I didn’t let the nurses/doctors do their jobs. I remember that clearly. That’s when I realized, I screwed up, BIG TIME!

After that, I was in and out, mostly out. They don’t call it a drug induced coma, but basically that’s the state I was in. I had some crazy visions. I know people don’t believe in “the white light” but I saw that three different times. I remember those vividly. I keep those to myself, but I am open to discussion at any time.

Once I finally came to and could sort-of comprehend what was going on, I still didn’t totally grasp my reality. Again, I knew it was serious, but I was still pretty out of it.

This is just a little bit of what I remember at this early stage.

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