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Text messages with my co-worker July 26-28 #neardeathexperience

Guest Writer

July 26, 2018
Tracheostomy procedure in the afternoon.

July 27, 2018
7:56 a.m. They put the trach in yesterday afternoon and Dana slept for a while but when she woke she was very alert. She was given fentanyl for her discomfort which made her sleepy. Her trach sutures bled at 11 p.m. so the doctor came back. They changed and tried several dressings to stop the bleeding and gave her two units of platelets. The nurse said she is fine and they started the feeding tube through her nose. Later, she pulled out the feeding tube that was in her nose!

July 28, 2018
8:23 p.m. Dana had a good day. She had physical therapy and slept for a few hours. She was hungry. I bought her a Starbucks frappaccino but had to give it to the nurse to thicken it because she can’t have thin liquids. It was her favorite food all day. She’s not sleeping at all at night and of course she NEEDS rest. The trach is enabling Dana to be mobile and to breathe on her own for a few hours.

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