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Week 4 Challenge: Refrigerator / Freezer

Week 4 Challenge is focused on the refrigerator and freezer.

Your mission: Maximize space and make food accessible; also, minimize food waste.


Clean first

Gather cleaning supplies. A paste of baking soda and water can be used to clean inside the refrigerator. Use a disinfectant to clean meat spills. Do a couple shelves at a time. Have a cooler nearby so you can put food into the cooler while you clean in the refrigerator/freezer. Remove shelves and bins for washing. Wipe inside ref./freezer. Group similar foods together. Check expiration dates as you remove/replace foods. Have trash bag nearby.


Use bins

Organize groups of foods in bins/baskets: veggies in one bin, meats in another, desserts in yet another. Get bins that fit from front to back of refrigerator/freezer. Purchase clear bins so you can see the contents at a glance. Use a plastic bin to hold leftovers in one spot. If you prepare meals ahead for the week, this could be a time-saver for you.


Lazy Susans

We love turntables in the refrigerator. At a spin, you can bring items in the back of the fridge to the front without having to move items out of the way. Measure the shelf before you make your purchase.



Store in clear containers. Purchase a Lazy Susan that comes with storage containers shaped like pie slices.


Adjust shelves.

As you return items to the refrigerator, adjust shelves to see if you can gain room for additional storage. Purchase additional shelves if needed.


IDEA: Use egg carton in a door shelf to store condiments upside down. Place the egg carton in a plastic bin so you can take all the condiments with you when grilling or making sandwiches.

Shelf mats in the fridge can be made with placemats cut to fit. They can be thrown away or thrown in the wash when soiled.



Clean and organize both the freezer attached to the refrigerator and later, the chest freezer for long-term/bulky storage. Freeze soups in plastic bags, in flat position to save space.

Stackable shelves are a good deal. Magazine racks can be used for this purpose.

Use freezer basket to organize foods. Baskets can be helpful because if foods are stacked on top of each other they could topple out when you try to take something from the bottom of the stack.

Download a FREE pdf of the Week 4 Challenge chart. CLICK HERE!

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