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Keeping your pet healthy this winter

Here are some pet tips I’ve learned to use with my own pets or others have shared with me. If you have pet tips, please share. We all love our fur babies!

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Cat fur grooming:

Your cat’s fur is thicker in the winter which means he may be getting more fur balls and dull fur. Try this: Take a paper towel and rub it all over his body every day. Gently pull off loose hairs. This not only gets rid of some fur but also distributes oils for healthier fur. You can also wet your hands and rub the cat’s fur. It removes a lot of fur but then you have to wash the fur off your hands.

Keep dog off the counter:

Show your dog where he should sit to watch you prepare food in the kitchen. This could be a kitchen mat. Every time he strays, say “Stay!” and move him back to the mat and give a treat. While he’s sitting there like a good boy, give him a treat now and then. He will learn that he gets the tasty treats only while on the mat!





The dog on the mat is my Kaiser. While you’re on my blog, sign up for my weekly newsletter. It’s easy to unsubscribe if you think it’s not for you, but it’s a great way to keep in touch! Everyone reads email!

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