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Cleaning & Organizing tasks for your first week

Create cleaning and organizing habits and maintain them as best you can. A long-held belief is that it takes 21 days to create a habit. More recently, the University College London has conducted research that reveals it “takes an average of 66 days to create a habit.”

So don’t beat yourself up if you forget to follow this challenge! Just keep going back to the beginning! Make sure you sign up for my free weekly newsletter to get reminders. You can easily unsubscribe.

Download Week 1 Challenge for free here!

Every day = Make beds, wash dishes, wipe bathroom and kitchen counters, pick up clutter throughout house, do laundry, empty trash.

Monday = Vacuum and dust.

Tuesday = Clean bathrooms.

Wednesday = Clean kitchen including microwave, stove, cabinets, coffee maker, silverware tray.

Thursday = Vacuum and mop.

Friday/Saturday/Sunday = Clean bedrooms and living room; Work on one of the weekly challenges from the 52-week Challenge chart!

Keep all your weekly challenge downloads in clear plastic sleeves in a 3-ring notebook.

See? None of these tasks are overwhelming and if you don’t do an assigned task on the day outlined above, then find the day(s) that best work for you. Try to stick with the plan in 2024.

Re-read the 52-week challenge on my blog here: ARTICLE

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