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#lifehacksthatwork Paper Hornet Nest Decoys

Every spring my father puts paper hornet nest decoys up around our property where we have had problems with hornets in the past. No more! These decoys really work!

Here is an important tip: Tie them securely! We have lost a few that blew away in windstorms. When we have warning and time, we do take them down before a storm so they don’t blow out of the trees or from under the eaves.

They are very similar to Chinese paper lanterns except for the shape; it is more oval than the lantern. We have purchased the greenish colored decoys. They last for a couple years, but are inexpensive so we’ve bought a few sets over the years. The ones we have now were purchased in 2023.

Here’s a close-up of one purchased last year that is hanging in the cherry tree in my front yard:

A great investment for your health! No one wants to get stung by a hornet!

DECYOOL 4 Pack Paper Wasp Nest Decoy Hanging Wasp Deterrent for Wasps Hornets Yellow Jackets $16.95 for four, today! Amazon affiliate link:

This is the information with the product on its Amazon page:

4 Pack Wasp Nest Decoy

Wasps are territorial and instinctively, will not build nest near another colony. Once this fake wasp nest is placed, several species of wasps and hornets will pass right by and build their real nest in another location.

It is critical that real nests are destroyed and cleared before hanging the decoys.

Don’t hang in a location that will be exposed to rainfall.

Our decoys hang in trees from spring through late fall and don’t fall apart. Most of the reviews give a general thumbs up. Many customers say the decoys aren’t meant to last and the sun fades them. I had forgotten about that. Ours did fade, but again, they really deter the wasps and hornets so these products are worth buying every spring!

Check out my earlier blog post about my favorite capri pants:

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