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Sunglasses: Organizing challenge

Organizing your sunglasses is a small, but important part of the overall organize, declutter, and clean challenge. Every part of your living space should be looked at to see if it needs to be organized, decluttered, and cleaned. Sunglasses can be a big investment. I buy some pretty expensive name brand sunglasses as well as sunglasses at the dollar store. But they all need to be organized. Continue reading Sunglasses: Organizing challenge

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Junk Drawer: Organize all those batteries!

My kitchen has a big breakfast bar in it with five stools on one side and four drawers and cabinets on the other side. Two of the four drawers are “junk drawers.” If you don’t know what a junk drawer is, it is a drawer used as a catchall, a space designated to hold all kinds of items like twisty ties, thumb tacks, string, scotch tape, pens, pencils, chip bag clips, scissors, and batteries. Continue reading Junk Drawer: Organize all those batteries!

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Jewelry organizing challenge, part 2: My mother’s stuff

After I published the jewelry organizing challenge earlier this week, my mother said she needed help organizing her jewelry. I was glad to help, LOL! She uses multiple jewelry organizing tips already, but it had been awhile since she had gone through her jewelry for: discards/donations; repair; and clean/store correctly. Continue reading Jewelry organizing challenge, part 2: My mother’s stuff

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Organize your jewelry challenge!

Is your jewelry all over the place? Gather it all to one spot where you can work to inspect your jewelry for pieces that need repair or that you no longer wear. Don’t pile your jewelry in a heap; that’s a habit you will want to stop. Make separate piles: good to use, discard, repair, or donate. Before discarding or donating your jewelry, consider using it in crafts. Continue reading Organize your jewelry challenge!