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Organizing challenge that you can win!

Organize! Declutter! Clean! Follow this 52-week challenge at your own pace and you could be living the sweet life as you should be. Mix up the challenges so that you are always crossing one thing off your list each week or two.

1. Start off today by creating a cleaning schedule. Re-read my post about getting into the cleaning, organizing, decluttering habit:

Every day = Make beds, wipe bathroom and kitchen counters, de-clutter one room, one load of laundry, put away clean laundry.

Monday = Vacuum and dust.

Tuesday = Clean bathrooms.

Wednesday = Deep clean kitchen including microwave, stove, cabinets, coffee maker, silverware tray, mop floors.

Thursday = Vacuum and mop.

Friday/Saturday = Work on something from this list.

Sunday = Do as you wish! Day of play!

Organize your daily tasks to fit YOUR life. If you have to skip a day, either make it up by doubling tasks on another day, or just know that those tasks will be waiting for you!

2. Food cabinet or pantry closet. Wrote about this challenge here: and here:

3. Spices.

4. Fridge/freezer:

5. Coffee, tea

6. Miscellaneous foods

7. Cups/mugs/travel cups/water bottles

8. Stemware/glasses

9. Appliances, big and small: clean or replace.

10. Deep clean your  floors. Try a steam cleaner if you haven’t already. Fix broken floor tiles and grout. Read my post about cleaning floors:

11. Clean the washing machine. Either change the dryer exhaust tube or at least clean out the lint.

Don’t forget to visit my affiliate page on the Kohl’s website.

12. Deep clean the bathrooms. Caulk as needed. Repair any links. Replace shower curtains. You can bet I wrote about the bathroom challenge:

13. Get ready for a garage sale.

14. Wash the windows. Wash or dry clean curtains. Or buy new curtains and blinds.

15. Organize the kitchen (again). I am always re-organizing, going through the expiration dates, etc. Set up an area for all your coffee stuff! Read my post about setting up a coffee bar:

16. Clean/dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, vents, etc.

17. Deep clean living and dining rooms. Launder linens, pillows, shams, or replace! Clean and vacuum, including furniture. Time for a new recliner? Need a new dining table? How about a buffet to display your favorite pieces of china, pottery and glassware? I bought a china cabinet during the pandemic and I love it.

18. Deep clean the bathroom again. This definitely is an ongoing battle!

19. Focus on your bedroom(s). Clean out under the beds, side tables and dressers. Rotate the mattress. Buy a foam bed topper! Buy new bedspreads! Add a bedside rug.

20. Clean under all the sinks in your house.

Go shopping on Amazon and use my affiliate link!

21. Tackle kitchen cabinets and drawers. Get some organizing tools.

22. Clean the pantry and food storage area again.

23. Clean refrigerator and freezer.


24. Organize your recipes. Get a 3-ring notebook and clear plastic sleeves.

25. Create a master grocery shopping list. Do some meal planning.

26. Clean the basement if you have one.

27. Clean the garage if you have one.

28. Clean the attic if you have one.

29. Update your address book and contact information including email.

30. Update your passwords list.

31. Organize your home office. If you don’t have an entire room to call your office, get a filing cabinet or tote to organize and keep everything together.

32. Deep clean the bathroom again.

33. Organize your make-up. Throw out what you don’t use.

34. Clean the linen closet. Remember to donate old blankets to a pet shelter.

35. Organize your jewelry and accessories.

36. Organize your shoes. Toss ones you’re not wearing any longer. Buy a shoe rack! I finally found a shoe rack tower that I love and fits the available space.

37. Clean your vehicle inside and out.

38. Clean your entry way / mud room.

39. Deep clean the living /family rooms.

40. Deep clean the dining room.

41. Organize your entertainment items for get-togethers.

42. Organize your photo collection. Print out those digital photos! Frame your favorites. Frame photos for gifts!

43. Organize your craft stuff.

44. Organize your books.

45. Go through your emergency preparedness kits including fire extinguisher, first aid kit, smoke/CO2 alarms, important phone numbers.

46. Organize purses / beach bags.

47. Organize gift wrapping stuff.

48. Prepare a home inventory.

49. Go through stuff for your pets. If you don’t have a pet, consider rescuing a pet from a shelter. Make a donation to a shelter with old blankets and towels.

50. Create a family calendar for the next year. Give as gifts! The calendar should include names and important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Make photo gifts. Re-visit my post about organizing and displaying your photos:

51. Organize cleaning supply closet/cabinet.

52. Fix something broken that’s been sitting around taking up space but not being used.

My blog has a lot more posts about cleaning, organizing, and decluttering than the links shared in this post. Look at the menu on my page and choose “Your Home” and you can see all the posts in that category. Thanks for reading and be sure to sign up for my free weekly emailed newsletter which simply highlights the week’s posts so you don’t miss anything I’ve posted about.

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